driver midrange putter

Distance driver, fairway driver, midrange and putter

There are primarily four main categories when it comes to frisbee golf - distance drivers, fairway drivers, midrange and putters. Although there are many different ways to play frisbee golf, it is important to have knowledge of the categories of discs in order to choose the right throw in any situation on the frisbee golf course.

Remote driver:

Distance drivers have the potential to fly the furthest of all the discs in the bag, but also require the most speed to achieve the desired flight characteristics. Distance drivers have wider and sharper edges which make the disc cut better through the air at high speeds. It is recommended that beginners start with a fairway driver and move to a distance driver after some practice on throwing technique. If you try to throw a distance driver with little speed, the disc will dump relatively quickly. Experienced players use distance drivers to achieve maximum distance.

Remote driver
See our distance drivers

Fairway Driver:

Fairway drivers are drivers that do not have as much length potential as a distance driver, but which usually give more control. In general, fairway drivers have smaller edges and do not require as much speed to fly far. Fairway drivers are a good option for beginners, and experienced players use it for long, controlled shots.
Fairway driver
See our fairway drivers


Midrangers have round, less aerodynamic edges, which make the disc fly slower than a fairway driver, but stick more to the intended throwing direction. The edge of the disc is smaller in width and often deeper, which often gives a better feeling in the hand. For beginners, midranges are useful for practicing throwing straight forward and they give good distance even at low speed. For experienced players, they are used for controlled and accurate throws so that the disc does not fly far past the basket.

See our midranges

Putters are the slowest-flying discs in disc golf because of their thin and deep edges. They are suitable for shorter distances and the most controlled and straightest lines. Putters are designed to fly straight into the basket even if it is flying very slowly. Experienced players also use another type of putter called approach. These are more overstable putters that are used to throw the disc right at the basket when you are relatively close, but too far away to putt.

See our putters

If you want to learn more about the theory behind disc golf or different throwing techniques, you can check out our complete guide to frisbee golf for beginners .

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